Environmental Impact on Productivity

If the office you choose has problems with noise and light, employees can be frustrated. This can lead to a decrease in productivity and a lack of motivation. The same problem can be caused by uncomfortable households. In addition to a decline in motivation, health problems such as back pain and migraine are also accompanied. This may lead to increased absenteeism, which negatively affects productivity. With all of this in mind, there are a few essential elements to creating a good office environment that can lead to high productivity.

Ensuring the quality of lighting

Exposure to an appropriate amount of natural light during the day helps you sleep well at night. This is important because information obtained during the day during a good night’s sleep is remembered and maintained in the body and revitalized. This means that people can move more efficiently if they sleep well at night. This means that well-lit offices can help optimize employee productivity. There are several ways to put lights on well like this.

– Choose an office with lots of windows

-Make sure the window frame does not interfere with natural lighting.

– Create an open environment so that natural light spreads evenly throughout the office.

-Use electrical lighting to optimize natural light if possible.

-Make sure everyone who works in the office can see out the window.


No one can work in 100 percent condition all day. People need to take a break and take a moment to cool down before they get back to work. This is why it is important to provide employees with a space to relax. Providing employees with space and time to relax means that they are more productive in front of their desks. Keep in mind that it can be inside or outside when providing these rest areas. You can have comfortable desks and chairs on the same floor as your workplace, and you can also create an outside garden where employees can breathe fresh air.

The Importance of Ergonomic Furniture

Most office workers spend a lot of time sitting at their desks. If the furniture in the office is not ergonomic, it can cause problems. Office chairs should be comfortable so that there is no pain in the neck and back. It should also be adjustable. The desk should also be adjustable because various people want different heights. For some people, a stand-up desk increases productivity because it allows them to sit and stand in comfortable situations (whether it’s standing or sitting).

Providing this ergonomic furniture makes it easier for employees to work. This is very helpful in motivating employees and maintaining productivity. Ergonomic furniture can also relieve back and neck pain, leading to the absence of pain. The less pain you have, the better your productivity.

It is important to consider all these environmental factors and establish an office. Making the right decision will greatly affect your productivity.